Adventure Grade

“Adventure Grade” Camping Safaris

“Adventure Grade” Camping Safaris are run with a crew of a cook / assistant plus guide. It is a viable option for those keen to camp and stay in more remote places.

You are accompanied by an experienced, knowledgeable guide, a camp assistant and a cook – all fully trained professionals who will prioritise your comfort and safety as well as striving to ensure optimal game-viewing opportunities throughout your journey.

Meals usually consist of a cooked breakfast or brunch, light lunch and a three course dinner. Fridges are used for safe and efficient storage of meat and food, and cool boxes are used for keeping your drinks cold – your guide will show you the best places to purchase these prior to departure and along the way.

You are requested to erect your own tent on arrival at camp and dismantle your tent on departure. This is very simple to do and takes about five minutes – your guide will show you how this is done. The balance of the chores (cooking, washing up, etc) will be taken care of by the camp assistant and cook.

It is important to note that this is a quality camping product, and not a luxury mobile camp. Accommodation is in the public campsites of Tanzania’s National Parks and, despite our best efforts, we have very little control over the quality and standards of ablution facilities at the campsite.

Please be aware that the toilets in public campsites are long-drop style without flush.

Game viewing at Lake Manyara National Park with picnic lunch included.

Lake Manyara is a shallow, alkaline lake at the base of a sheer stretch of the western Rift Valley escarpment.

The north-western area of this lake is protected in a 330 square kilometre national park, which contains a remarkable diversity of terrestrial habitats: the grassy floodplain of the lakeshore, the rocky base of the escarpment, a belt of thick acacia woodland and a lush patch of groundwater forest just inside the northern entrance gate. An interesting biodiversity of fauna and flora can be observed here and a variety of large mammal species including elephant, buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe and lion.

Perhaps, however, the most immediately visible residents are the troupes of olive baboon, sometimes found in the company of the smaller and rather beautiful blue monkey. This is also a wonderful location for viewing groups of elephant and, for keen birders, Manyara has recorded almost 400 species due to the wide habitat diversity.

After game viewing, you will weave your way upwards into the dense forest slopes of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, pausing to admire the splendid view of the crater floor 600 m below at Heroes Point, before driving on to our campsite on the rim of the Ngorongoro caldera.

If we arrive and set up camp in good time, you may consider an early evening/sunset visit to a Maasai boma where you can spend some time learning about the culture, traditions and beliefs of this ancient, noble warrior tribe. This visit is at an additional cost, and should be discussed with, and paid directly to the guide.